Considering how hard it was to get stupid blackmages to do a timed nuke back in the day, I can't wait to see a bunch of aby force leveled gimps in their STR and MND gear cast this together properly :P
I know this spell is awesome, but according to test server, you really need 5-6 meteor-blms to be super-effective.
Consequently, I will wait this not being Provenance Watcher exclusive, because:
1)more meteors ppl to join with
2)cheaper spell than nowaday
The final BLM Spell and a nice way to tie in the opening movie where you see 12 taru's summoning giant cosmic rocks to fall down on the advancing armies of beastman and behemoth. In the chorus of taru-speak, "Beeheemoth!!"
This scroll and the Arise scroll both drop off of Paramount Botulus and Paramount Gallu, the two mobs in the "boss" wave of Hall of Mul (the final Legion area).
Each mob is guaranteed to drop one scroll (random chance of either) in 18-man, not sure if 36-man is any different. Killing both mobs causes a new, identical wave to spawn. Killing these mobs (or even the two waves before the boss wave) requires a level of skill, gear, and coordination that most players lack, but the best groups out there can kill 4-6 of these mobs per run.
That's 4-6 guaranteed scrolls of meteor or arise... per run... which is presumably why prices have been coming down significantly despite the relative infrequency of PW runs and low drop rate from PW.