Expanding on Jutubyaa and Braemes information. If you plan on cutting the price per stack so you can get quick sells then just npc your crab meat. That would actually be quicker then putting them up on AH and you can sell more then seven stacks at a time, with no wait and no taxes. Win, Win.
As someone who buys this from time to time, I gotta side with Enzo. Its much more frustrating to not be able to get a stack of crab meat when I've put off doing my guild points and have to go farm it myself than it is to shell out an extra thousand gil or two. What helps crafters is having the materials available for their synths, which means people have to farm them, which means they have to be profitable to farm.
While I understand the intent (and bless your helpful soul), just list the [insert item here] at the normal rate and don't make it so no one wants to bother to farm/sell ingredients.