Sunday, 9/13/15, after a week of killing level 1 mules trying to get to Jueno, the Beastmen gain control of the mostly ignored Derfland Region.
Tuesday, 9/15/15, SE changes the effect of Pear Crepes, pretty much turning it into mage sushi.
Wednesday, 9/16/15, everyone realizes there will be no (or very very few) Pear Crepes for at least another 5 days. The Odin server begins a rapid downward spiral, eventually leading to anarchy, cannibalism, and in some cases, Bestiality.
And that is why the Derfland Region is so important kids. Don't ever forget the time they took it away from us, and the pain and suffering it caused. Mages /ragequitting, spells getting resisted, tanks dying because the mages are all venting their anger over /tell and /l....