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Comments (4)
Siren.Ravian[Report] Score: 1
I know it is all about luck but from the quest "Cookbook of Hope Restoring" these have a horrible rate. I've probably done this 200+ times and out of the 50 seals I've gotten, only 2 of them were Unkai.
2010-09-26 02:12:40
Valefor.Ryukuro[Report] Score: 0
So far this has been found to drop from Heqet the Poroggo NM and Cep-Kamuy the Orobon NM, both in Abyssea - Misereaux. Also a possible reward from the quest Cookbook of Hope Restoring, although it is very random and quite a time waster if you are unlucky.
2010-09-12 11:22:11
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 0
I can confirm 100% These come from the quest:

"Cookbook of Hope Restoring"

I've done the quest 7 Times and have recieved 2 Unkai Seal: Legs.

Of which i was forced to Toss =(

because my SAM is 66 ;;

Its the quickest way to farm seals though, it only takes about 2-4 Minutes per Quest as long as you know the pattern (Its on Wiki), And doesn't require any NM killing or nothing.

Just gotta persevere!
2010-09-12 18:23:02
Unicorn.Tulant[Report] Score: 0
This quest is bull$hit ... so far i have done it oooo .. maybe 100 times have got 24 WHM 15 BST 13 THF and 5 SAM ... yes 5 $%#*ing SAM the only job that i have that can wear the AF3 currently. wasted over 20 stones on this and everyday i have another person tell me how many SAM seals they have had to Toss cuz they dont need them ... SE really needs to revamp this quest to make it a bit less retarded.
2010-09-21 18:02:59
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