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Stock 5
Rate Slow (0.257 sold/day)
Median 190,000
Max 200,000
Min 90,000
Average 153,200
Last 200,000
Price History
7 Days Ago200,000
15 Days Ago200,000
15 Days Ago180,000
17 Days Ago200,000
GilPrice History10/410/1611/1211/3012/230k50k100k150k200k250kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Jan. 3, 2025KirbychanNurariko200,000
Dec. 25, 2024PowerlistRanalite200,000
Dec. 25, 2024KjahlRanalite180,000
Dec. 23, 2024SanjurioRanalite200,000
Dec. 23, 2024OmachiRanalite200,000
Dec. 19, 2024TakohaiElemy200,000
Dec. 18, 2024VixizElemy200,000
Dec. 18, 2024AlbiesElemy200,000
Dec. 6, 2024KinshienDiosax200,000
Nov. 30, 2024PichipichiFuurinne200,000
Comments (4)
Phoenix.Gropitou[Report] Score: 5
Drops from Cannered Noz (NM) in Abyssea - Tahrongi.
2011-08-11 13:00:35
Bismarck.Rysar[Report] Score: 0
Found in a Gold Chest while killing Canyon Scorpions in Abyssea - Tahrongi.
2013-02-04 18:11:18
Gilgamesh.Maletaru[Report] Score: -1
Cannered Noz will always drop this on its last reraise, that's how you know it's dead for good. I've solo'd it on BLU and NIN/DNC, and it's easy. Anyone with a stun and regen/healing should be able to handle this NM with no problem.
2011-11-07 20:35:12
Siren.Thoraeon Show Score: -31
Why does a skull need exercise?
2011-03-11 23:47:48
Screenshots (1)