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Stock 15
Stack Price 600,000 (600,000 per)
Rate Average (3.725 sold/day)
Median 30,000
Max 50,000
Min 5,000
Average 28,406
Last 5,000
Price History
10 Hours Ago5,000
14 Hours Ago30,000
19 Hours Ago30,000
4 Days Ago50,000
GilPrice History3/213/213/233/233/240k10k20k30k40k50k60kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Mar. 28, 2025KiorinTraumaru5,000
Mar. 28, 2025KiorinLlilcor30,000
Mar. 27, 2025HiroppaVonjaron30,000
Mar. 24, 2025ThegraygoblinEscha50,000
Mar. 24, 2025BrotherbloodKnakkerz30,000
Mar. 24, 2025AvrilxxAjadant30,000
Mar. 24, 2025ThegraygoblinEazyg28,000
Mar. 23, 2025TikutsikuMrbrightsighed30,000
Mar. 23, 2025KnightmereMrbrightsighed20,000
Mar. 23, 2025SirenityteaPatricier30,000
Last Seen
Shiva.Megamule PM45,00013Bastok Mines12 minutes ago
Phoenix.Lamhirh PM20,00089Port Jeunoabout 12 hours ago
Carbuncle.Inside PM3,980248Lower Jeunoabout an hour ago
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
Comments (19)
Gilgamesh.Heavensword[Report] Score: 241
1 Imp. Gold piece =
5 Imp. Mythril pieces =
10 Imp. Silver pieces =
50 Imp. Bronze pieces
2007-06-19 15:00:39
Alexander.Sirbing[Report] Score: 190
Imperial pieces = Imperial Standing
1 Gold = 1000 Pts.
1 Mythril = 200 Pts.
1 Silver = 100 Pts.
1 Bronze = 20 Pts.
2007-08-29 09:40:03
Gilgamesh.Silvercap[Report] Score: 115
Yea simple math, if its 9.500 a piece the stack will cost 940.500 if it rises to 10.000, it will cost 990.000.

This item is used in Quests like:
-> Mog Locker Expansion;
-> Automaton Upgrade: Part 3;
-> Corsair's Frac;
2007-06-15 01:52:27
Valefor.Forgotten[Report] Score: 47

Control and patience? Not in Vana'diel. You almost have to undercut with high volume items now, because if you don't the next guy will and 30 sales will come and go while yours gets returned.

People are willing to take way less gil in order get get their AH slot cleared asap, while complaining in LS chat how they can't afford new gear.

I think its time we got 10 AH slots instead of 7. There are certain items I won't even bother AH'ing because my 1 slot is more valuable for what might drop later than the item I could list now.

Some of the big ticket price cuts make little sense. Theres an item I know of, exactly 1 supplier on the entire server, was selling for 1 mil steady...He cut his own price down to 200k overnight just because I sold ONE. (only one I had to, which I got from him months before..) I wouldn't have effected his income at all. And he could easily put the price back and people would pay it but doesn't. Crazy.
2008-03-31 23:12:47
Bahamut.Ziggz[Report] Score: 16
supply and demand. the FF economy works the same as a real economy... it may flux a little bit more being that there is only thousands of people on a server, not millions. the idea of undercutting is simple and smart for the most part (to a limit...) something is selling for 10k steady, you put it up for 9,900 so yours will sell first, or at least not last... people that drop the price from 10k to 9k are in my opinion, not too bright. at least do 9,001 so that the price doesn't get slashed...
2008-11-04 01:14:24
Kujata.Prothescar[Report] Score: 7
This item is also used in every Salvage gear upgrade, 10x Imp. Gold Pieces per.
2009-09-17 02:36:39
Ragnarok.Tarage[Report] Score: 1
Onaga's conversion chart is wrong.

1 Gold = 200 Jettons
1 Mythril = 30 Jettons
1 Silver = 10 Jettons
1 Bronze = 1 Jetton
2014-04-11 23:13:21
Ifrit.Frozenbear[Report] Score: -2
1 Gold piece = 10 silver pieces.
1 silver piece sells for appr. 1500 gil.
10 silver pieces would sell for appr. 15000 gil.
1 gold piece sells for 9000 gil.
does this seem like sensible math to you?
2012-01-16 13:13:19
Caitsith.Jubano[Report] Score: -4
Besieged ~ 2000 Pts.
1 Gold ~ 5k-10k Gil
1 Besieged ~ 10k-20k Gil
Besieged occurs about 1-2 times a day...

Therefore, in a week you can make

14 Besieged x 10-20k Gil =
approx 140k-280k Gil

Let's just average it to say 200k Gil.

That is pretty darn good if you ask me by just signing on for every besieged that occurs in 1 weeks time.
2008-11-17 10:33:58
Kujata.Kinias[Report] Score: -7

It would actually make more sense to lower the amount it costs to list items on the AH. If you list 1 Imp. Gold Piece for 10k on the AH in Whitegate, it costs 300 gil. If it cost 10 gil to put it up, people wouldn't undercut because if it doesn't sell, who cares? They'll just put it back up.

If I sell 3 at once, I don't want to have to wait 3 days expecting to be 30k up and find I'm 900 gil down. And yeh, if they don't sell 300 gil isn't much to lose, but the point is you've made a loss, no matter how small it is.
2009-09-05 18:19:21
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