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DPS: 2742
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Comments (3)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 10
USELESS FACT: An Ophidian is a snake/Reptile. Why do i know this? NOT GOOGLE. no, it was Star Trek!

USEFUL FACT: Comes from the Delve NPC for 30,000 Plasma and in Possession of the Key item that drops from Tier IV/V NM in Foret De Hennetiel
2013-05-02 21:56:58
Odin.Ophannus[Report] Score: 1
Wonder why this has such low delay. Would rather it have 492 delay and give it like 30 more base damage than have lower delay and rape our 5 hit build. This has lower base dmg than the greatsword which is unusual for polearms.
2013-05-09 21:08:36
Shiva.Zidian[Report] Score: -1
Can be upgraded.
2013-05-03 07:50:10
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