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Comments (5)
Odin.Eliosha[Report] Score: 8
"Lunge +10" changes the base rune multiplier term by +0.1 in a similar manner that the elemental belts and gorgets change the fTP term in WSs.
Also adjusts Swipe in the same manner.
2014-04-11 07:25:06
Ragnarok.Exavion[Report] Score: 6
NPC: Oboro - Port Jeuno (E-6) Qufim entrance

Items required: 150 of either Beitetsu, Riftborn Boulder, or Plutons.
1 Cehuetzi claw
1 Zweihander
1 Nagan

Completion of any SKCNM on "Difficult" or higher.

Completion of any High Tier Battlefield fight on "Normal" or higher.

Obtained title from any of the Delve megaboss.
2014-04-27 21:10:29
Lakshmi.Kyera[Report] Score: 4
Presumably this change to "Physical damage taken II -5%" indicates it goes beyond the 50% PDT cap. Pretty awesome.
2014-05-16 05:16:52
Bahamut.Pantafernando[Report] Score: 4

Accuracy +70
Magic Evasion +50
Weaponskill Damage +10%
2016-08-29 06:49:36
Asura.Ruaumoko[Report] Score: 3
Actually beats the Epeolatry for tanking certain high level targets.
2016-06-16 04:59:50
Screenshots (2)