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Comments (13)
Hades.Fincat[Report] Score: 7
Created with Synergy, using Goldsmithing and Smithing Veterans.

Blunt Lance
1x Colbalt ore
2x Wolfram Steel Ingot
2009-12-10 09:31:51
Leviathan.Wolfknight[Report] Score: 4
Potentially new best non-relic/mythic polearm for drg with higher base damage than V-Fork, easier 6-hit, and added stats from assumed evolith system.
2009-11-10 16:59:26
Caitsith.Linear[Report] Score: 0
Doesn't drop fromt he NM. It drops a bunch of r/ex materials and the Blunt Lance.

Seems to be an upgraded weapon.
2009-11-11 16:01:28
Leviathan.Gotterdammerung[Report] Score: -1
Best polearm for Drakesbane. Very easy 6 hit. Evolith augments of polearm WS crit rate and acc+ with values as high as +10. And it looks like one of those unicorn horn lollipop sticks.
2009-12-24 04:49:34
Gilgamesh.Iconoclasm[Report] Score: -3
Hey guys I'm looking for a smith and goldsmither on gilgamesh that want to synth this lance send me a tell or PM as I have all the items available thnx.
2009-12-16 01:53:44
Bismarck.Xenshi[Report] Score: -4
from just the pure looks of it...another potentially great polearm thats too hard for most to even get...why SE..just why
2009-11-10 19:59:18
Remora.Hackstealandbot[Report] Score: -4
the NM that drops the blunt lance is beast as ***, (Take care.)
2009-12-12 04:32:23
Sylph.Linkk[Report] Score: -6
There will have to be some testing on this polearm for sure. I always see people mention mez, thal and V-Fork when talking about top polearms and never skystrider. I am going out on a limb and say I will keep my Skystrider with Supremacy Earring. You are not going to get +6str and the +7att (depending on you str) from any weapon/1 earring slot in the game. Let's not forget about the +5tp on jumps.
2009-11-13 09:28:05
Carbuncle.Maxz[Report] Score: -6
maybe these wepons are like the relics of the past like how TOAU got mythic or maybe just some wepon put together and added stats
2009-11-12 17:40:17
Hades.Rairom[Report] Score: -6
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume these will have something too do with the lyft weapons too.
Probably need both blunt lance and lyft lance...synergy, exspensive items. NMs, Augments. Win.
2009-11-17 07:13:42
Screenshots (4)