I'm kinda surprised this hasn't been mentioned since this piece has been out for so long, but this is one of the best blu TP ammo pieces, if not the best. Blu has a very limited selection of ammo equipment for TP and this piece really shines above the rest.
Remember that Hagneia Stone only covers MNK THF DRK BST SAM DRG DNC, so the only STP ammo that WAR--for instance--has available to them is White Tathlum. It's not outdated completely.
with usukane body/feet, chiv chain, vrutal earring and rajas ring using carbona and footwork, this white tathlum gives mnk a 5 hit build with footwork on, using asuran fists as your weaponskill.
Good for when there is alot of SAMs in the party and you want to keep up with their TP build to SC with them everytime. gekko kasha dragon light.. or gekko asuran fists. This tathlum is a beast.... if you cant afford blk tathlum that is.
Its that time of year again, lets play how low will it go? I wonder which server is gonna post this selling for 1gil..... Don't be that guy people! >^^<
This is a must for a Drk 5 hit build with a 528 delay scythe. Target store tp +40:
/SAM +15
rose strap +4
MKD hat +4
aurum body +7
Rajas +5
Ecphoria +1
Burtal +1
White Tathlum +2
Chiv. Chain +1
(for those with a Justice torque and a vendetta with the supremacy earring i suggest using Carbonara in place of the MKD hat and ecphoria ring)