Name Level Zone
Pixie 51-54 West Sarutabaruta (S)
Pixie 51-54 North Gustaberg (S)
Pixie 51-54 East Ronfaure (S)
Pixie 56-59 Batallia Downs (S)
Pixie 56-59 Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
Pixie 56-59 Grauberg (S)
Droprate is statistically high, being around 50% with and without Treasure Hunter.
Confirmed to be also obtainable from Sprites in areas surrounding Jeuno (S).
Side Note ~ I'm 0/20 on the drop of this item farming as SAM/THF *shrug* maybe there something needs to be done that I'm not doing
Edit ~ Changed job to SAM/WAR grabbed Sigil (did not have Sigil when I was farming SAM/THF) went back to East Ron (S) and went 1/1 on drop...hope this helps