Item obtained from new years event 2008. Talk to a specific child npc (varies from Bastok, Windurst, Sandy.) He'll the ask you to find the Lucky Mouse and bring him back a gift. Find the Lucky Mouse and get the gift by trading it an item (I traded food, I'm not totally sure it matters.) You will recieve a few buffs and snowmen first (I think.) Then return to the child and trade him/her the gift. The child will give you Battledore if you chose to recieve something from his pocket. Wear that and talk to Dilauriome (AKA Grandpa) who you will find on Windurst-Jeuno/Jeuno-Windurst airship. He will then ask you to give him 2 jars of black ink and 1 bast parchment. Trade those items to him, and he will give you copy of "hoary spire."