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DPS: 1018
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Comments (10)
Sylph.Kyron[Report] Score: 6
Say what you want about it...just got mine yesterday and you CANT doubt it looks awesome.
2010-05-03 19:37:12
Asura.Ezekial[Report] Score: 6
Algol, Subduer, Naglering, Martial Sword.

All these parse about the same. Get whatever is most convenient for you.
2010-06-01 22:48:01
Unicorn.Sedres[Report] Score: 4
Dropped from Gotoh Zha the Redolent, tier III ZNM, who is spawned by trading a Sheep Botfly to a ??? at (F-5) behind the Watchtower in Wajaom Woodlands.

Like a Perdu weapon but without the latent, as well as mag accuracy which isn't easy to come across on DRK.

A real contender for the Uber GS Crown. +20 attack is just sick, and the acc/mag acc are nice additions. As Tanith said, that massive delay makes TP building alot easier.

A nice step stone until say the Algol, but that +20 attack might be too hard to give up.
2008-07-02 15:06:37
Kujata.Nameless[Report] Score: 4
No, you are not gonna have an easy time getting 6 hit with algol /sam without either eating carbonara or wear askar or aurum's cuirass. Either way you sacrifice to a point that Naglering will out perform it. And Algol's fire damage is about 25-30%, not 50%, and unreliable against hard mobs.
2009-03-12 16:59:59
Fenrir.Gradd[Report] Score: 0
I have raped Algol Drks w/ this GS, its hands down the best GS in the game other than Rag, Algol is just town Gear or keep it on your mannequine thats the only use youll get out of it.

Rag >>>>> Nag >>>>> Subduer >>>> Algol

But in the end its all situational Subuder can outperform Naglering on Gods or HNM because of the crit rate.
2009-07-06 10:29:28
Fenrir.Gninja[Report] Score: -2
I wouldnt rate this as better than algol, it would depend how you play drk and what your current set up is to determine which is better for you.
But the 6 hit build on /sam, which is the sub i mainly use on drk.. would mean this GS is alot better. its also much easier to obtain in my eyes making it a great choice for any drk who likes to use GS. +20atk on a weapon is awesome.. the acc/macc is also a nice addition
2008-06-24 11:42:53
Remora.Psychoticenigma Show Score: -10
A def. rip off of Diablo 2 lord of destruction item "Nagel Ring"
2010-03-24 05:49:04
Phoenix.Vandyr Show Score: -16
This is definitely the best great sword in the game.
2008-07-12 10:18:33
Seraph.Hsieh Show Score: -33
Both are 6-hit builds on /SAM. DPS for Algol is higher. Also the fire proc rate is about 50%. The +20 ATK can't beat that.If you needed the +4 ACC, MAYBE.
2008-09-18 09:00:07
Sylph.Delagyela Show Score: -41
lol definetly the best great sword in game, NOT! :D
2008-12-10 03:39:46
Screenshots (2)