Compared to the level 75 Burtgant: 160 more DPS, 7 more DMG, 2 more +enmity and 2 more minus physical dmg taken.
Hopefully SE will gives Aegis some love in the upcoming version updates. Perhaps add some enmity to it or more defense. The possibilities are exciting for PLDs.
Burtgang (80) now has the same damage as Excalibur (80).
While kinda BS that excalibur only got like +4 Damage and this sword got nearly double that..
It seems clear SE realized they screwed up the Mythic weapons by making their base damage entirely too low to be useful, and are correcting that issue through Magian upgrades.
This doesn't have the Add.Proc of Excalibur, which is a beastly amount of added DPS with the right HP, but the PDT-12% Could come in handy for a select few fights!