The Augmented Jumps and the Aftermath effect affecting both you and your wyvern is made of pure awesomeness. Imagine having a DMG:91 two-handed weapon activating like a Joyeuse, meanwhile your wyvern is doing the exact same with enhanced accuracy and attack which means your total DoT will skyrocket over the roof. On top of that, you will be spamming one of the top Mythic Weaponskills to keep the Aftermath effect on.
I think this is possibly the best 2 handed mythic in the game and one of the only good mythics. Up there with burtgang, yagrush, and kenkonken mythics.
It adds crit hits to all jumps and drakesbane at 300TP is very respectable and this is usually the WS of choice by dragoons anyway. They can get TP very fast on SAM. I can see the lvl 3 aftermath always being up making this one broken joytoy with 91 DMG and a lunatic wyvern.
However to Junyi of Lakshmi. The wyvern can only double attack with lvl 3 aftermath. He will not gain the attack or acc bonus. That is for lvl 1 or lvl 2 aftermath respectively.
This mythic at bird camp... People will not be saying loldrg... they will be saying gtfoDRG, cause he will be killing the mobs in the middle, top and bottom camps while the other 2 parties watch.
I'm going to say this is the best melee weapon in the game since its "Augment" could be pretty damn good and Drakesbane is quite possibly already the best WS in the game (Catastrophe being the contender due to its amazing utility).