This has its uses. For BLU, it makes the strongest cure potency option simply due to the fact that you can keep your sword on whilst curing. Coupled with any sort of augmented Genbu's Shield, it blows Apollo's staff away.
It's a strong enough weapon as an offhand, but almost any magian sword will be a better option overall. This serves only a niche use for support or main healing.
A point in this sword's favor is decently high base damage with a lower delay. Its no relic/mythic/emyprean, but its not a slouch in the DD department either.
amazing offhand sword for almace offhand for blu/pld/rdm /nin or /dnc, particularly when soloing/lowman where you are needed as both a dd and a healer.
Uh Uh, what?! of all the new cure pot bodies released and how pup pushed blu out of line of this is some bs.
On a more positive and analytical note, this would replace light staff for blu(just this alone) with the appropriate augmented G. Shield.
Delay is top notch, damage for it's level is is 85 Almace base to give you an idea so it's alright as an offhand but there are slightly-moderately more powerful swords out there(saying this if you exclude magians and empryeans obviously.)