On PLD with a refresh Atma and VV Atma I can not TP fast enough, that's a lot of 750 Attonments or Sanguine Sword WS going off. You'll grab a lot of hate and heal yourself for around 500 each SS WS. Don't bash it until you actually try it, really is a great Sword for PLD.
I can litereally sit in a non-abyssea place for over an hour with 750 MP on my 90PLD/45WAR and still be at around 400 MP left to drain, it doesn't drain your MP as fast as poeple are thinking... Yes it's 3 MP per tick.. but it's not fast. Shoot if I had Refresh spell from a Mage outside of Abyssea you'd be gaining MP. I only have a Parage Gorget on aside from PLD auto-refresh. This sword is a ton better than people are giving it credit for. Seriously, try this thing out.
+1tp/tick -3mp/tick Drop from Cirein-Coin - Abyssea Misareaux.
As blu:
Abyssea weapon (with atma: refresh)
Good weapon for kiting when you cant melee and build TP while waiting next chain affinity, with 5/5 enchainement merit.
No, they don't mean the elephants. They're referring to Hannibal son of Hamilcar Barca. Hannibal was a Carthaginian military commander and tactician who is popularly credited as one of the most talented commanders in history.