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DPS: 857
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Comments (14)
Kujata.Argettio[Report] Score: 36
Drops from Tyger (Tier IV ZNM)
Pop by trading Singed Buffalo to the ?? in Sharug Isle (map 3)
2008-07-02 02:50:05
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: 6
Seriously think about this... going +15MAB will only add .15 to the MAB factor so if you if you started out with 1.0 (ie have no MAB traits or gear) that's a 15% increase in dmg. If your a blm that has 42MAB nekkid on whatever spells they have potency merits in 1.42->1.57 is only a 10% increase and lets say you have decent gear and are rocking say around 70MAB 1.7->1.85 is only a 8.8% increase. So for dmg NQ staffs beat the crap out of this for any decently geared blm and well geared rdm or sch. And as far as macc HQ staffs are tested at 20-30 macc and NQ are like 15-20 I think. At mister this does more dmg... not in this game. Not unless you've found a way to give your blms -40MAB or something like that AND they all run around with no armor on
2009-11-07 18:56:11
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 4
@ Malekith: Staves also give magic accuracy, and are the most reliable source of it. There's a reason why BRDs use Apollo's with Lullaby and BLUs use Vulcan's with Heat Breath.
2009-08-08 18:28:56
Bismarck.Radec[Report] Score: 2
@Supay:"[long wrong info]"

Just no, even in campaign HQ staff with more than 23 MAB in gear will trump combo. Outside, you'd have to wear NEGATIVE 45 MAB for a blm with HQ Staff to be beaten by antares/shield.

And that's just to tie! 100 damage difference? I'm not going to even bother with the math, it can't happen in a real setting.
2009-10-01 19:24:05
Caitsith.Zabimaru[Report] Score: 2
This weapon has low delay and decent DPS for a Club. Not a bad choice for an off-hand weapon on WHM/NIN, specially with the magic accuracy helping to land enfeebs and such.

Perdu Wand is still a better choice for off-hand weapon on WHM/NIN but not everybody has the necessary Mercenary Rank to obtain it, so Antares could be an alternative for them.

As for BLMs casting spells with this, I don't recommend it, elemental staves are simply better.
2009-11-08 18:18:44
Ragnarok.Kerberoz[Report] Score: 1
"For those mages that don't want to carry a whole set of NQ staffs"

i.e., supergimps
2009-03-28 15:41:29
Midgardsormr.Laxedrane[Report] Score: 1
Just for those mages that care about it. This club has the fourth best DPS for it's class. Mainly whms might wanna look at it for dual weilding if they want a club more multi purpose then brise-os.

FYI order is:
2010-03-08 07:16:04
Seraph.Endrance[Report] Score: -7
just wanna point out dont click on the ffxiclopedia link to go to this weapons page lol it brings u to the antares scorpion mobs page someone might wanna fix that
2009-08-19 04:38:25
Unicorn.Zoner Show Score: -17
this is not that bad for BLM's fully merited. INT/ele skill and burst and freeze II maxed. i'd like someone to test it
2009-07-04 01:19:08
Hades.Drayco Show Score: -19
This would be an awesome combo paired up with the new Avalon Shield(+5MAB)
2008-06-14 20:11:12
Screenshots (2)