WHM should use this + a good shield (I recommend Genbu's or Astral) for all non-cure spells and have Templar Mace macroed for cures. I'd still recommend having a Healing Staff + Staff Strap for max mp setup though. The only better main piece u can get for conserve mp is Seveneyes.
To those saying to use it in Convert macros: 99% of the time you'll cure yourself after convert. Swapping to a light staff would negate the +hp +mp gained from converting in this; curing in this rather than a light staff would provide even less benefit, due to weaker cures. So basically, it's not as hot for Convert as you may initially think.
Solid option for a MNK doing club procs in Abyssea and not wanting to spend a ton of money (e.g. Deae Gratia). HP+30 doesn't hurt.
The Sandy and Bastok 48000 CP clubs are similar MNK alternatives, but may not be available on your AH and that's an pretty big chunk of CP to buy them with points.
If you do not have this mace for your RDM convert setup, GET IT!
If you do not have a RDM convert setup then, you good sir/madam, deserve a /slap!
I am tired of seeing RDMs convert with 1000+ HP and only have 700 mp. So inefficient. This beauty coupled with Goliard Saio's Conserve MP bring you up to +9.
If you would like an example of a setup check mine out under my RDM convert gear sets.
While not as potent in force as Elemental Staves, this gives you, en lieu of damage, obviously, more starting HP/MP, helps the proc rate for Conserve MP, and allows you to equip a shield (for those of you who sub /whm or /rdm and actually have Shield Skill).
A weapon intended more for personal longevity instead of personal highest damage records.