ya but Spharai have that hidden effect that allows them to do 2.5x more dmg randomly which is just sick, idk these will def make PUP's happy but to see how Relic MNK's respond will be intresting.
Smash, I don't really know too many people (if any) who have a fully upgraded relic and are unable to get a brutal earring.
Anyway, these look like an awsome weapon, the Damage for the Delay is very nice, with Acc+10, some Str, and some more DA% to boot! Defintly beats out destroyers, just depends on how hard these are to obtain.
For PUP = Godly, Hands down, only Kenkoken is better.
For MNK = Meh, These would be close to destroyers parse for parse. The +10 acc on MNK is essentially wasted, if you're not capped on acc as 75 MNK (merits, gear, whatever else) then MNK is not your main job. The accuracy will affect counter, however Spharai wins again here as they have a full +10 counter. Double attack +1% is a nice bonus, but not a piece maker or breaker. The base damage is really nice and that may put these on top of Destroyers from time to time. The +3 STR is almost laughable, it will add some damage to Asuran and Howling Fist but won't break either WS.
Shenlongs > Spharai/Destroyers > The rest. MNK has awful accuracy so the accuracy on these is pretty nice. The 2.5x damage on Spharai is nothing to get jumpy over, if you've done the research you know it's not very effective.
It's a close call between these and Relic... MNK's DMG output is all about the DoT. In order to have great DoT you need to land all your punches(ACC +10 <Yes, please.><Thank you.>. Relic makes up for that with the occasional DMG multiplier. Shenlong might be better if you don't have a brutal earring though... guess it's a coin toss.