With a basic acc build of at least 45, and 8/8 merits, this great axe with hasso and agressor can reach acc cap to a level 125 monster, without merits 119, without aggressor 113, that being said, this great axe is not as bad as it looks, do not let the -30 acc fool you, This is a great weapon.
with aggressor and temps and over 400 skill -30 acc with all the gear you will have on isn't as horrid as most people think it is. throw it in a basic calculator and see for yourself. granted it's not emp/relic/mythic weapon no argument there.
Even with low skill this weapon hits a lot and rarely misses.
I dont think it has been mentioned yet, but it's power is insane. Someone mentioned 9% crit damage increase, but i've hit for 820 damage crits with just this weapon and nothing more. It's very likely the boost is much higher. Especially for the 20k it's going for, it's a must have to pick this one up if Warrior isnt your main job but you still want to do some serious damage from time to time.