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DPS: 1425
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Stock 0
Stack Price 50,000 (50,000 per)
Rate Dead Slow (0.014 sold/day)
Median 999,000,000
List Characters: [Owned] [Equipped]
Max 999,000,010
Min 1,000
Average 851,120,137
Last 155,000,000
Price History
7 Months Ago155,000,000
28 Months Ago1,000
56 Months Ago10,000,000
61 Months Ago900,000,001
GilPrice History3/253/294/14/24/40M1,000M250M500M750M1,250MExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Aug. 21, 2024NohnhnohonhYeheaer155,000,000
Nov. 30, 2022PittjrShayutotto1,000
Aug. 22, 2020RatticeLaion10,000,000
Apr. 5, 2020ArchaiccarrioaBelloniodi900,000,001
Apr. 4, 2020PizzacrustArchaiccarrioa1,000
Apr. 4, 2020ArchaiccarrioaHelloentiq999,000,000
Apr. 4, 2020ArchaiccarrioaBelloniodi900,000,695
Apr. 4, 2020ArchaiccarrioaBelloniodi650,000,000
Apr. 3, 2020ArchaiccarrioaVitibiode999,000,000
Apr. 2, 2020NaughtymonkeyArchaiccarrioa1,000
Comments (6)
Bismarck.Ghostonline[Report] Score: 17
A pouch of these bullets can be obatined from Solo ENM "Pulling the strings" as Corsair.
2007-08-05 11:34:37
Garuda.Spikido[Report] Score: 2
Great for a barrage macro. Great way to land all shots, to then switch back to steel for a solid Slug Shot.

Quite handy and fairly easy to obtain with some luck on the drop itself. ENM 60 Pulling the Strings.

Gamble with Twinkbrix in the entrance of Oldton Mavalpolos up to 10k, then 2k once you win and he will teleport you right to the entrance. 15 minutes of your day and you're done with this EMN.
2009-03-15 13:12:52
Leviathan.Shurtugal[Report] Score: 2
Just got a pouch of these from campaign battle in North Gustaberg (S).
2009-12-09 01:42:40
Remora.Belzebu[Report] Score: 0
The best ammo for Slug Shot, with just a macro. I recomend getting from "Pulling the Strings" but not the best drop rate prob 1/4. For the ENM just get Iron Bullets, Earth Staff use SAM and PLD roll and you'll beat it in less than 5 mins.
2009-01-28 23:53:49
Ragnarok.Kedar[Report] Score: 0
I used these in Cor G5 and landed every Slug shot, i <3 these bullets, ENM is cake and now they drop from Campaign coffers :D
2010-02-18 07:47:50
Asura.Riddick Show Score: -36
Best ammo in game for COR and impossible to find. No synth for this. What a fricking waist!
2007-06-08 16:30:19
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