Here is a nice bolt, its sells for a decent amount as stack of 99 and as a quiver. But low and behold, gil sellers are selling them now. For those of you who do woodworking, it would be best to not even quiver them. On Siren the non quiver bolts sell for way more then a quiver stack.
honestly selling in stacks of 99 bolts IS SLOWER then selling a quivered stack of 12 because when you sell a stack of quivers you sell 12 stacks of bolts instead of 1 so its much slower then just selling a stack of quivers and with all those bolt heads on AH it prevents you from selling anything else thus you lose more gil by selling non quivered and rmts arent to blame for everything its ppl who undercut these rmts dont craft really they perfer making money constent and considering how many get banned and have to make new accounts its not profitable to craft for them caz they'd have to relvl it every 3 months if not more