Higher DoT, Lower WS. But I would hope most people prioritize DoT instead of succumbing to big number syndrome.
If nothing else, Nilatai, even if people don't notice the difference just eyeballing theres a HUGE price difference that you can't miss to aid the decision. *wink*
"(1)Woodsvile obviously can produce higher WS numbers due to the 50(+1)DMG.
(2)This Pick has higher DPS than woodsvile Axe if you ignore the the 4 STR on woodsvile. However, if you take the 4 STR into account (51 DMG) then Woodsvile has stronger DPS. This weapon has +10 attack on it so its hard to tell which weapon will have higher DoT on the average mob.
I had a hard time deciding which one to use, however since (2) is so close anyway then might as well go with (1)."
Try offhanding this and mainhanding Maneater. Man/IR > Wood/Man.
Excellent axe for offhand, DoT > WS, youl find this out when u parse esp with warrior, its about 2/3 DoT 1/3 WS even if you hitting constant 1Ks lol, and for HMNs, why are you not using a GA lol.... seriously, 2 axes are best for uber DoT if you want to spike big numbers, hail the GA ;p
(1)Woodsvile obviously can produce higher WS numbers due to the 50(+1)DMG.
(2)This Pick has higher DPS than woodsvile Axe if you ignore the the 4 STR on woodsvile. However, if you take the 4 STR into account (51 DMG) then Woodsvile has stronger DPS. This weapon has +10 attack on it so its hard to tell which weapon will have higher DoT on the average mob.
I had a hard time deciding which one to use, however since (2) is so close anyway then might as well go with (1).