Calls Lucky Lulush a Hare Familiar summoned by using the Beastmaster's Call Beast ability.
Damage Type: Slashing
Hit Points: ~3648 (Level 80)
Can Double Attack.
Possesses Fencer.
Possesses Critical Attack Bonus
Ready Abilities -
Foot Kick - Requires 1 charge. Deals physical damage.
Whirl Claws - Requires 1 charge. Deals area damage to enemies within range of pet.
Snow Cloud - Requires 1 charge. Deals ice elemental damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from pet. Additional Effect: Paralyze.
Wild Carrot - Requires 3 charges. Restores HP of all party members within area of effect. (Heals Pet also, Amount healed varies with TP)
Lucky Lulush possesses the "Fencing" job trait and Critical Attack bonus, resulting in some incredibly powerful Hits and Foot Kicks in excess of 500, even on HNM.