Joyeuse was the personal sword of the famous Emperor Charlemagne.
The text which gives the description should rather be changed to: \"Occasionaly attacks once\"
I got this sword when I was already a level 75 RDM and I just simply can\'t describe the huge amount of added \"joy\" it brought me in playing RDM ever since.
Assuming 45% rate of double attacks and no other double attack gear is being used then the DPS goes up to 13.6. WAR/NIN with this and Ridill + Sword merits is a complete monster.
DNC can use this sword.Awesome for a job who have allmost all abilities based on TP gain ^^
unfortunately with their D skill in sword off hand joyeuse is not good for HL mobs in events.
As an aspiring Elvaan PLD (lvl45 time of this post) This is on my list for all 90% full time use. I'll only take it off to use a Macuahuitl +1 for HNM's and when the enmity is needed more as I'll likely have something 10-15 lvls above me on my rear. Atonement + Joyeuse= EPIC
DNC with dagger mainhand, Joyeuse Offhand is a great setup, a possible extra swing on Drain Samba 3 can keep you going longer without having to use a waltz if you're soloing.
for a tip dancer's, trying to get ahold of a Kard isnt a bad idea to main hand with this sword, at 70 you can get access to a Behemoth knife, however in exp parties, most DNC arent focusing on DD style, and 5 CHR with the extra swing from joyeuse makes for a very supportive healing dancer.
Nice to actually have a NM with a long time til window opens being 100% drop rate. Still hard to get and alot of work IMO. Had to wait for 3-4 hours after window opened.