This site has Bazaar and Wanted functions built in. Stop spamming the comments if you want to buy or sell something. There are people on 31 other servers that could care less.
05% Chance of 1 hit
15% Chance of 2 Hits
25% Chance of 3 hits
25% Chance of 4 Hits
15% Chance of 5 Hits
10% Chance of 6 Hits
03% Chance of 7 Hits
02% Chance of 8 Hits
Everytime I do this BCNM and all the crazy profit BCNMs in this game with strangers-- I make leader give orb owners leadership and they set quartermaster. You just have to make sure you have room in your bag.
Just a clarification in regards to Graciel's quartermaster statement, even if you lack necessary room for equipment the remaining items stay in the treasure pool. Once you've made the necessary room they go to your inventory automatically once you cast lots. Just clarifying a common misconception about quartermaster, cheers and good luck to any seeking to add this club to their arsenal through the means of BSNM.
1% drop rate according to FFXIclopedia statistics. have fun :)
I hate giving people bad ideas, but as this can also serve as a warning I suppose I'll throw it out there...
Being leader and QMing yourself is *not* an absolutely foolproof way of making sure other people don't jack your loot. A member of the party can easily drop party and open the chest themself, making all loot default to them regardless of your now 2 person party and QMing of nothing.
The only safe way to do this with strangers is not to. Get people you trust, or better yet, solo it! It's a fun BC.