Good item for RNG, COR, THF, even SAM/RNG. Yes the NM has a horrid drop rate, but if you got the time is it is worthwhile to get. Went 1/2 on it myself. Respawn seems to be 1 1/2hr ~ 9hrs~
Repop time after last kill appears to be 1.5 hours until infinity after a LOT of experience camping. PH is on 14 minute timer, so the time can add up fast. Also, 1/16. Droprate is bad.
i fought this NM several times and soloed it on 71 thf with near max eva gear. i used a jack o' lantern also. NM spawned no less then 3 hours after ToD for me and no more then 6 hours for me. the one time it beat me real bad i had two friends come hlp and it dropped the item. this NM drops light crystals as well.