I can imagine this piece's Pet DT-2% would stack nicely with a BST or PUP's Moogle DT-10% headpiece.
A bit weird that Summoner can't use it but whatever... already been said but i'll say it anyway.
This chain drops from a Roc NM called Okyupete, it is a lottery spawn from *1* Diatryma at (G-5), on Widescan it is shown as the first in a list of 4 together, the first is the placeholder.
Apparantly wikipedia rates his drop very low at 2.9%, i must have been very lucky as i went 1/4 on this.
There is almost always someone there camping this NM for GKT trials. Most will happily invite you and give you the drop. The drop rate though is another story...1/27.
I just got this while farming birdfeathers, hadnt heard of it before now... Ironicly my BST is lv 60 so it will be a nice piece to have. Easy solo as 75THF in haste gear terrible acc as it even missed triple attack several times during the fight.
Drops from Okyupete in Misareaux Coast. Its a Greater Bird that loves to spam TP moves. Easily soloed by 75 BST and Funguar Familiar(Beast affinity capped). Infact I had no gear when I killed it. No drop though