Drops from Lambton Worm, which is found in Ghoyu's Reverie, Everbloom Hollow, or Ruhotz Silvermines as a result of being warped there via the Doomvoid ability, used by a Sandworm.
The main draw of peacock charm is that ir provides 10 acc/rng.acc at such a low level. Added to its rarity i can't imagine the price fallin all too much.
Besides this may be even hard to obtain than the fabled pcc lol. you never know. btw if you do know, feel free to share that information ^^
Lambton Worm is the HQ version of the Sandworm when sandworm uses Doomvoid. Serket, king anthro and Guivre pop depending what zone you fight sandworm in, but this HQ Lambton worm has a chance to pop instead on days 3-8 of Sandworm popping.
he drops this beautiful Torque, as well as a Body peice Morganas, and a sword fragnarach.
This thing gives more Acc then PCC obviously and is better then PCC, assuming you are a lvl 75 job and not a lvl 30ish job... (too which you can't equip ancient torque lol).
However, although this gives more acc then PCC.. it does not have the racc +10. So jobs like RNG would obviously benefit from PCC better still.
the 11 Acc is nice but the Dex boost for potential Crits during multihit WS is really what makes this. Better than PCC for all jobs cept RNG/COR. Sexy Sexy Torque.
Still the best option you can get and with WotG NMs being camped less even harder to get your hands on. Not sure why the price dropped to 6.5-7M alot of servers.
Excellent for Ridill warriors for TP, as this is better than PCC for them and using 2 different weapon types means that they cannot fully utilize sea torques.