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Comments (7)
Gilgamesh.Heavensword[Report] Score: 7
This is a great earring for Corsairs - DEX + Accuracy for melee, Ranged Accuracy for WS. Even a nice bonus if you have a SCH/RDM in your party, or if you /RDM for campaign battles.
2009-02-03 09:44:06
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] Score: 2
Hollow Earring appears to enhance the potency of "Drain Samba", and not just for the user.

Hours of fields of Valor with a BST/DNC and WAR/DNC showed a substantial increase when the BST/DNC (with Hollow earring) used Drain Samba 2 (+3-5HP[1handAxe] and +5-8HP[Greataxe]) than when the WAR/DNC (without Hollow) used Samba.

Aspir Sambas untested.

Possibly isolated, I can't find anyone else with Hollow Earring to try. Seems like everyone but me on Odin has Ethereal(Conformists!).
2009-08-21 06:45:22
Odin.Sheelay[Report] Score: 1
@ Zicdeh
I have Hollow, I'll try you theory out next time I go campaign as War/Dnc. It wouldn't surprise me much if you were right. "Drain Samba" could very well be equivalent to an en-drain even though it's a JA and not a spell.
2010-03-30 16:58:06
Titan.Fekye[Report] Score: 1
Best earring of the bunch for melee, 4 accuracy (4.5 for 2h) will do wonders for TP.

I just can't see a reason for any DD to get Ethereal. (I'm talking to you Monks! >B|)
2010-05-26 19:58:46
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 0
I don't know why I don't see this on more BLUs. +3 accuracy with +2 DEX is huge. The Big Three all have DEX mods.

EDIT: Magnetic I can see being used on BLU. Ethereal? Not so much. BLU doesn't have that strong of a melee, and 5 more attack isn't going to help you more than Brutal Earring will. Suppanomimi should be in your other ear anyways because it gives 5 atk/5 acc. Evasion? Meh. Use an Evasion Earring/Elusive Earring. And the convert damage to MP? You have to take 1000 damage to yield 30 MP which isn't quite half a spell. Besides, you're not taking damage at all when you're blink tanking. If you *are* tanking on BLU, Magnetic is probably your best bet with the -interruption rate, similar to PLD's Knightly Earring.

EDIT 2: No, you don't TP in this. Geez. Brutal/Suppa for TP, this is a macro piece for multi-hit, DEX-modded spells.
2009-05-31 13:36:48
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: -1
Recently got this and started testing it. In like 0 haste gear and mostly like str gear lol since I was trying to see how high an attack I could get right before that.

With refueling up with drain samab II I was getting 8-16 w/ and w/o earring. With refueling down 9-18.

Haven't really gone thru it all and didn't test but for like 2 full drain sambs durations for both w/ and w/o earring but it did look like I hit the higher numbers more often with this earring.
2010-05-30 14:48:56
Fairy.Prometheus[Report] Score: -1
I hated giving up my abyssal earring for suppa, but I guess this is a suitable replacement when using a 2 handed weapon on drk. Equivalent accuracy without the magic accuracy boost, but at the same time I can get more dmg on endark and this earring is a little more flexible since you can use it on any 2 handed weapon really.
2011-09-01 06:44:55
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