@Mirrii For anything that requires casting as a tank, you should have 15% Haste (Assuming you have double march+Haste Spell) In which case, V Belt/Swift belt will help more than a Trance Belt.
PLD with Trance Belt(Optimal Gear)
Head: Walahra Turban
Hands: Homam
Legs: Homam
Feet: Homam
-14% Haste in total, with the +3 Fast Cast making up for the 1% loss.
PLD without Trance Belt(Optimal)
Head: Bahamut's Mask
Hands: Homam
Legs: Homam(+3 Fast Cast)
Feet: Homam
Waist:V Belt(Swift Belt works too)
15% Haste in total along with +11 Emnity vs the +7 you get using Trance Belt.
Overall, to put it simply, Swift Belt/V Belt > Trance belt for anything you cast, Anything Job Ability related, you should use this.
For anybody trying to farm this up, I was a bit confused at first how these NMs worked. I found they just spawned in Mount Zhayolm when Troll Besieged started, and they didn't march with the rest of the pack. Took me 3 Besiegeds to get the drop.
"The enmity is worth the VIT loss [..]".. what? No need to lose the VIT for this, since this is only really useful for macroing in for enmity moves. Assuming you're talking about the Warwolf Belt for PLDs, for straight tanking and meleeing Warwolf Belt beats this by all standards. Enmity +1 while meleeing is no way worth the DEF-1, STR-5, DEX-5, VIT-5. The accuracy you get from DEX+5 alone would probably make up for enmity -1 while meleeing.
It's really a luxury piece, but a nice one to have. Macro in for spike enmity moves, but for PLDs, anything more than that is not worth the stats lost from the Warwolf Belt.
Hate/Threat/Enmity has two sides to it. One side is with +Enmity gear your able to increase the rate at which you gain 'contol' of whatever your trying to 'tank' faster. The other side of this is with Increased Enmity you LOSE Hate/Threat/Enmity at an increased rate as well. this being said:
Prefered tanks are Pld/Nin or Rdm/Nin or Nin/war<>/Drk.
All of these jobs ARE able to use this belt. So next you want to determine WHEN to use it. For those of you whom tank you already know gear priority so I'll try to be brief. (As I write a novel here)
-Haste :: /recast reasons
-Enmity :: 'Control'
Right now as a career pld 1 enmity for a 300k is not worth alot right now. If it was a final peice to upgrade then sure, but I would rather have 5 dexterity strength and vitality then 1 enmity and 14 life. My opinion warwolf is alot better than trance unless u have the Gil for it