Seems decent for multi-hit weapon skills such as Penta or Guillotene. Mathematically not as good as Rajas or Flame Ring, but -1 STR and +2 Accuracy seems a good trade off for a free alternative to a somewhat expensive item.
Not difficult NM, but my NPC died after 3 frag bomb, problem in that if you go one, to clean a place for a fight and pull him without agro, because here many goblins and they have quckly repop. He appeared through 40-50 minutes.Drop 1/1 I'm happy ^^
Was 2/4 on the drop. Drops from Burlibix Brawnback in Batallia Downs [S], Lottery Spawn from the 2 Goblin Blastmasters on the hill.
Window reopens every 3 hours. Although seemingly can spawn slightly before then.
My friend on BLU75 was able to Head Butt him so much that he basically stood still, and was disoriented the entire fight. Really easy fight.
Seems like a good piece that would be used over a Ruby Ring, but replaced by a Flame Ring or a Rajas Ring. I agree with Wooooodum on the fact that -1 STR and +2 Accuracy are a nice trade off if you dont want to dish out the gilz.