Very, very bad decision from SE for not having made it 100% drop. Swift Belt runs are long, annoying, and at the end only around 50% of party/alliance members will have their belt; while the others, who just spent the same time and dedication, will get nothing.
Even worse if we consider this: those getting no drop end up losing an item they could have sold for around 80-100k ; while those who had the drop probably couldn't have defeated the NM without the "losers"'s help and were just lucky with their codex trade order. Is any run more unfair than a Swift Belt run ??
Best TP Piece for all DDs except MNK
Only thing better than this is a Speed Belt, which is a 100 times harder to obtain than this one.
And as good as it is for Tp gain, please dont WS in it.
Since the pre WotG update, the Tarutaru formor NM had it's strength reduced. So if you're a Taru, don't wait for a hume friend to help, just go for it!
Cristy, you're right, but there's a reason why it's more of a pain than most NMs: You have to rebuild your hate back to maximum. Bad enough you didn't get the drop, but now your fomor hate is reset to zero and you've gotta start rebuilding it from the ground up. So you lose pop item, don't get drop, AND can't try it again for quite some time depending on how long it takes you to rebuild max hate. Pretty crappy all around in comparison to most NM fights.