Every whm should have these at least in their macro. nobody cares how awesome your gear is or how much mp you have if your tanks dies mid cure. life saver for sure
This Clogs are dropped off Bonnacon If your an BST its easy to solo ^_^ Nice armour piece also nice gil hehe shame about the 17% chance of dropping though.. Good lucky players!
i honestly believe that every WHM should have this in their macros for cure/curaga. with 5/5 cure cast merits, loquacious and haste gear..your looking at cures going off at the 40-45% range, or even lower possibly.. absolutely necessary for any dedicated endgame WHM.
Stacking these with other fast cast/cure cast time gear allows you to hit cap without merits, and so you can spend your merits on regen potency and barspell effect. THAT is why these are so expensive.