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Comments (5)
Fairy.Neosito[Report] Score: 2
Very good armor for just all around attacking. Although gives a lot of ATK and ACC, should dont use this when using Blade: Jin, get another substitute, definitly Hauby.

If you're lucky enough to get one, congrats because a very hard set to obtain over the many people who want it along with the very low drop rate.
2008-05-18 08:17:10
Seraph.Kronik[Report] Score: 1
Finally got this tonight. Very excited about using it now, especially since it's finally a replacement body for meriting.

But like Neosito said, use this for TP'ing and WS in the Haubergeon.
2008-09-15 00:45:31
Ragnarok.Grandier[Report] Score: 1
A great piece if you need the acc, otherwise go with AF+1 body.
2010-04-16 13:29:32
Remora.Herbs Show Score: -11
i got one =) and yes it is a sweet body piece and if you can get a kirins osode for WS you even better off =)
2010-03-20 06:47:55
Bahamut.Stanflame Show Score: -27
Score: -4
.... you are wrong. I know you might not care but you might want to learn some thing. With the new JA's for nin this body got a little better based on a nins "playstyle". But you must be blind if you think tping in relic body in meripo or what ever is the end be all for nin. That body is on the lower end of the spectrum I have nin at 75 but I would want it to complete my relic set . But just look here is where relic body stands (I always here people say they use koga as a PCC replacement and I call *** on that):

Hauby+1>Hauby>Ninja chainmail+1 > Ninja chain mail > Koga Chainmail > Shura body. That is where that body you tp in lies...

I would rather use the other stuff ahead of koga body for dsp/ws/exp/meripo. If messing around soloing or with sange or what ever I am doing relic body may come in handy. There is a big gap between both versions of hauby, Ninja af1 body+1 and koga body.
2009-07-22 03:49:11
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