THF 75 with 315/319 evasion skill depending area i find skill far better than + evasion, tested on Marids, Grand Marids duo Charby with a PLD as a healer (Kujata several times)and all things EG skill is somewhat better than evaison, more so when evading TP moves including front conal effect from said Marids etc Evasion Torque; Earring, Patrician's cuffs/Master Caster's Mitts, Boxers Mantle, Emissary boots, please note also OHat, Scouter's rope, Ungur Boomerang, Antares Harness and also AGI from Oily Trousers, Suppanomimi Earring and the Scouters rope, its good to have a combination of all, but after testing +evasion on top of my standard/Merited 284 skill, skill is better than + Evasion.
In response to those who laugh & question my theory and trial, if my skill is 315/319 at what level would this make my evasion in relation to the monster I am fighting, thus how acc is that monster to my skill. If skill in general i'e Dagger merit skill +1 is 2 acc&att how is eva skill calculated?
I don't claim to be an expert in the matter, but my simple logic tells me that "Evasion +" refers to added efficiency in EVA mechanics, while "Evasion skill +" means added EVA skillup rate. As such, there should be no potency to compare, since they affect two different aspects of Evasion.
That being said, I feel there's no need to demean people because of their theories and questions. This forum is a space for players to exchange ideas and facts (which should be stated as such) and help each other.
Skill is = 2 point in said category until your actual skill hits 200, then you only receive .9 to that said skill, so this is a good starer piece, but once u hit 200 skill your gonna wanna get a piece with more Eva on it.
There is NO documented proof that +Evasion Skill is more potent than +Evasion.
Evasion is the only skill/mechanic in the game that denotes both +X _______ Skill and simply +X ________.
There is no +10 Dark Magic. It's +10 Dark Magic Skill.
If you liken this to it's counterpart; Accuracy, you would note that there is +Accuracy and +Weapon Skill, and where +Weapon Skill exists, like Torques, past a certain (Low) skill level, the amount of accuracy gained is actually .9 per skill.
If anything, +Evasion (Not +Evasion Skill) is more potent than Skill at 75. The most likely reality is that they function identically, being just a quirky inconsistency in the way SE lables things.
Regarding this specific item; People who say that 1 Evasion Skill is +2 evasion are foolish, ignorant, and annoying. I get a slightly sadistic pleasure from watching fools parted with their money and wearing gear that flags you clearly as someone without a clue.