Got this awhile back, some ppl laughed at me cause my main job is samurai, said I was stupid for choosing this instead of the Bushi even though i also have war/nin and ninja lvled, but hey, you can merit GK (i did lol) you can merit STR, but you can't merit dual wield, which is where this comes in
If you have a single job that dual wields this earring is worth it. The dual wield is 5% which equals out to haste+5% attack speed wise which is just insane for an earring. Compared to the other DM earrings this one is many levels above them unless of course you have no jobs that dual wield and never will.
I could just as easily imagine a kick *** war/sam, which doesn't need a suppa. That said, if you're serious about your THF, dd NIN, or ridill WAR, this is the earring of choice. But if you're also a SAM or DRK, you may have a tougher decision to make.
Ridiculously powerful for BLU. Enhances Dual Wield for BLU/NIN, AGI+2 for BLU/THF, and +5 Sword Skill is great by itself for any other sub you might use.
One of the best earrings for meele /nin jobs.. could you imagine a warrior Juggernaut/ridill now with 8/8 axe skill & 8/8 sword skill(with the new update...) +extra 5 from suppa and dual wield bonus? damn ._. thats hot
Translates to "(Ninja)'s Ear"ã€€ã€Œç´ ç ´ã®è€³ã€. Suppa is one of many pre-Edo period colloquialisms for a Ninja, before the collective terms Ninja/Shinobi became widespread. Also refers to the verb "suppanuku", to spy or reconnoiter. It is not su-pa-nomimi, super ear.