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Comments (11)
Asura.Valen[Report] Score: 14
Situational, etc.
2009-06-11 01:37:31
Bahamut.Raenryong[Report] Score: 7
Macro in to your damage reduction/shield set, where Slow is fairly irrelevant. High HP (less CE loss) and Damage taken -5% make it the best body in the game for this purpose.
2009-01-06 04:15:14
Asura.Shamaya[Report] Score: 4
I'm not a pld myself, but I imagine you could always macro in an "oh ***" set, including this piece. For example, you know for sure you're about to take a -gaIII spell, I'd imagine you could macro this as part of such a set.

Also as Bew mentioned, the slow'll mess up your recasts. However, it isn't quite -haste. Slow is actually a separate part of the recast/delay function, which is something like BaseDelay*(1-Haste%)*(1+Slow%).
2009-01-19 10:03:20
Fenrir.Oprahruru[Report] Score: 0
FFXIclopedia link is broken. Here is the correct one:

2009-03-15 13:33:28
Phoenix.Michiiru[Report] Score: 0
Valhalla Helm -5% DT
Valhalla Breastplate -5% DT
Twilight Torque -10%
Defending Ring -10% (If you can get it)

-30% DT off of those pieces, though I'm no melee fighter save for my MNK, that's not too shabby.
2013-10-08 10:54:20
Cerberus.Finalvegeta[Report] Score: -2
The gear cap cant be 25% because sorcerer's earring gives -30% dmg reduction. That would be a bit odd if the cap is 25%. I think the cap is 50%
2009-03-16 02:16:55
Quetzalcoatl.Aerisss Show Score: -13
Granted the 5% slow is not nice, if you are a pimp tank who already had Aegis + Defending ring. . . Dring -10% DMG Valhalla body & head is another -10% DMG Aegis is -75% DMG when blocking, that already counts to a -95% DMG taken plus hauticlare that goes to an overall -102% DMG (when blocking attacks) now im sure SE has a cap on -DMG% but a total of -102% when blocking & -32% w/o bloccking and always -45%MGKDMG these armor peices are probably designed for someone who wont need /recast becaus they wont need shadows.
2008-11-19 06:01:59
Fenrir.Saskea Show Score: -14
This and the Valhalla Helm mainly designed for PLD/WAR. Sure you can use for PLD/NIN full time if you please with other homam and swift belt slow wont be noteable. I personally have it a macro for when shadow timer is down, throw these on till your good to cast.
2009-04-16 18:36:14
Asura.Scapular Show Score: -15
avalon gives you -5 magic dmg so you wouldnt even use this for that its just nice for /war, i think with all the time and effort this is not worth it but it looks so hawt
2009-05-18 01:46:58
Siren.Muroku Show Score: -19

You are correct, there is a cap on -% dmg taken, and I beleive its 25% from gear/25% from spells iirc.

I'm sure aegis/blocking has a completely different rule in accordance to the damage cap, but I'm afraid I dont know anything about it.
2009-01-27 20:15:36
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