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Comments (14)
Fairy.Noh[Report] Score: 11
Made from:

Lv.15: Nemain's Robe - Silver Sea Remnants – Don Poroggo (Spawned by trading a Zhayolm Card to a Slot on the 3rd floor (100% drop rate))
Lv.25: Bodb's Robe - Bhaflau Remnants - Long-Bowed Chariot (5th Floor NM (~14.9% drop rate))
Lv.35: Macha's Coat – Arrapago Remnants – Qiqirn Treasure Hunter (3rd, 4th and 6th floors (~4.2% drop rate))

Imperial Wootz Ingot x12
Imp. Gold Piece x10
2009-05-26 07:31:31
Kujata.Argettio[Report] Score: 8
@ Nadr:

Evidence that 8 INT ≈ 4 M.ACC

As for 8 ≈ 4 MAB, this is a a rough rule of thumb for Tier IV nukes. It isnt perfect, but it can be used to quickly compare sets. Try yigit turban vs AF head the dmg will be close.
2009-03-22 07:09:22
Fenrir.Nightfyre[Report] Score: 1
Best nuking body for all three jobs barring BLU breath spells (Philipe: breath spells are not affected by MAB, but all other BLU nukes are. Physical spells obviously aren't either, but that's what Magus Jubbah is for). Best Savage Blade, Expiacion, and Death Blossom body. Best TP body for RDM and BLU, though BLU will on very rare occasions prefer the accuracy from Mirage Jubbah. This is the last acc swap you should make on BLU though - neck and back come first.

Very expensive, but an amazing piece.
2010-01-29 19:01:34
Unicorn.Ninetales[Report] Score: 0
@Chantal: I suppose I should've specified that I was referring to physical spells only. For magical spells (think Elemental Magic skill), skill is used to help land the spell. It won't actually increase your damage any. This body is indeed the best *overall* for magical BLU spells, although Mahatma comes out sliiiightly on top for Eyes On Me.

Anyway, Nightfyre's right about this being better than Mirage Jubbah for TP. Not by *much*, but that STR sure as hell helps. 5 acc isn't really a huge deal for an acc-stacking job like BLU.
2010-07-03 08:24:14
Ragnarok.Nevex[Report] Score: 0
I wouldn't call it the ultimate BLM/RDM/BLU body piece in the game because other than idling, nuking and STR/INT/MND-based WS's it doesn't have many uses. There's no such a thing as "fulltiming" in this game if you wish to play your jobs efficiently.

You CAN TP in it as BLU, but AF2 is usually better unless your acc is capped, not an easy thing to achieve on non-2hander jobs.

Regardless, this is a useful piece but please do not cast blue magic physical spells with it.

If you like toying around with non-breath BLU magical spells (except CHR-based ones), Morrigan's set is a nice addition to your arsenal thanks to its solid INT/MND/MAB/m.acc bonuses.
2010-01-16 12:34:50
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: -3
@ Philipe Oh really, I wasn't aware that Magic Attack Bonus didn't increase magic damage. When did that happen? (Note the sarcasm.) While it is by no means a neccessary piece, there is no way to say this isn't good because the fact is it is. No you won't cast Physical blue magic in this, I missed the part where Red Mage cast everything in one body piece though. Some BLU prefer the nuking side, in which case this IS the best body. Not one person can tell you it's not worth the gil, because that is entirely opinion.
2010-06-09 17:46:06
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] Score: -4
Lol blu cap acc easier than alot of 2handers. Just look at there tp gear and see how much acc they can easily get. And acc bonus trait. And redicuous amounts of dex. And the fact that out of all the jobs it is the one to lose the least from using sushi instead of pizza or meat.

For blm only a well augmented weskit will win on dmg but it still lacks a bit of macc compared to weskit.

For blu nukes mahatma will often due more due to the generally very low base dmg on blu spells. That and stat mods are doubled during BA and that Dstat is used on top of %stat mods.
2010-05-28 12:04:01
Lakshmi.Chantal[Report] Score: -5

Here's my old comment:
For BLU, blue magic skill for most spells only increases accuracy/macc, not damage (physical spells included). Morrigan's Robe gives +5 acc (which affects physical spells) in addition to the +8 to various stats, and will usually result in higher overall damage. It does give less TP than Homam, but the refresh effect lets you cast more spells, which makes up for the minor loss in TP gain.

Other than that, Orofin, you're 100% correct. It's still a great piece to have for BLM and RDM though, even if they have Dalm/AFv2 already.

I suppose you're right on that one, I was just going off what a friend (BLU75) told me and hadn't looked too far into it, at least with physical spells. I have seen this vs AF body for Regurgitation/Mind Blast/Firespit/etc sets and this one always seems to come out on top, at least along with the gear my friend has.
2009-07-10 10:13:21
Diabolos.Ghlin[Report] Score: -6
My numbers show that generally speaking 4 INT is roughly 2 Macc and 1 Mattk. As for Tier IV, this figure may be off. But again, this is a rough figure. I've used it as a rule of thumb to compare gear for a long time. I'd post the math, but it would be long.

Morrigan's Robe is best used as a TP'ing body for a BLU who lacks Mirage Jubbah. Food for thought, what about DPS? Surely, STR+8 and Attack+5 will contribute to DPS more than 5 Acc? Assuming the BLU is using Sushi and has otherwise excellent accuracy gear, STR+8 Attack +5 > 5 acc.

And as stated, Morrigan's is not really that good for a RDM who has Dalmatica. Dalmatica is the superior idle piece offering MP and MDB. Also, this offers very little magical accuracy which is what a RDM usually needs to do a decent magic attack build. It's also less 3 less INT and MND than the Mahatma Body.

For BLM, this is the best nuking body when macc isn't an issue.
2009-08-11 14:50:13
Bahamut.Philipe[Report] Score: -9
As a blue dont waste money on this, how much can 15 mil buy, you'd be set for your BLU career. and besides Magus jubbah+1 for phys spells and mirage jubbah for tp out ranks this

@ Sindri: no m.atk doesnt affect most magical spells, its M.acc
dont start with the whole INT+ and MND+, a NQ Errant houppeland packs more INT and MND for magic fruit and other spells. and errant houppelande costs about 1/300 of this item.

@ Alexiah you r probably rite but would you really want to pay about 14-15 mil just to get 20-50 dmg plus on WS, I wouldn't
2009-12-12 18:18:31
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