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Comments (11)
Remora.Scooby[Report] Score: 51
the refresh is 1 per/tick
2007-12-27 12:57:30
Ragnarok.Amalle[Report] Score: 11
@ Azulmagia
Blurpleberk is a Hauberk. Not plate mail.

A hauberk is a shirt of mail armour. The term is usually used to describe a shirt reaching at least to mid-thigh and including sleeves. Haubergeon ("little hauberk") generally refers to a shorter variant with partial sleeves, but the terms are often used interchangeably. Slits to accommodate horseback-riding are often incorporated below the waist. Most are put on over the head. Hauberk can also refer to a similar garment of scale armour.

Ares's Cuirass is however Plate Mail. Cuirass, the plate armour, is formed of a single piece of metal or other rigid material or composed of two or more pieces, which covers the front of the wearer's person. In a suit of armour, however, since this important piece was generally worn in connection with a corresponding defence for the back, the term cuirass commonly is understood to imply the complete body-armour, including both the breast and the back plates.
2010-01-10 14:59:09
Valefor.Djstatik[Report] Score: 9
After spending 6 months obtaining the 25 & 35 for this you have to wonder if the current price of 14.5M+ to finish on my server could be better spent on other items...
2009-06-22 02:47:45
Cerberus.Tidis[Report] Score: 6
I guess you've never heard of macros then? Ares's Cuirass is an will always be a truely awesome piece for PLD, you just macro in enmity gear for your JAs but then again when the hell has it been any different?
2010-10-04 05:04:55
Valefor.Anethesia[Report] Score: 5
@ Emmanuelle

Treasures of Aht Urghan came out in 2006, not 2005 you idiotic twit.
2011-06-14 22:27:08
Bahamut.Leonelf[Report] Score: 3
Ares's Cuirass is at its best if you also have Ares's Gauntlets for WS, the gloves give +10 Accuracy and make up for the loss comparing to other pieces, along with another 4STR 4VIT.
Ares's Body and Hands :
16STR 16VIT 24 Atk 10 Acc
Adaman Hauberk and Hecatomb mittens:
17STR 14DEX 15 atk 15 acc
If you say the 2nd Combination is better for HNMs and Gods or whatnot cuz you need the accuracy, think about Steel Cyclone, it's best against those kinds of mobs anyways.
2010-04-16 01:45:03
Seraph.Requim Show Score: -21
@Mildewman, refresh isn't that important to bst, drg by far gains the most from refresh from 6mp triggered HBIIIs.

While it's weird that bst isn't on Ares's, but is on sky/thick/adamn, when you actually think of the jobs, drg is much more of an armor wearing class than bst ever was (purple plate vs white leather), so I think it is just a shift from SE's opinion of the jobs more than anything else, which has also been seen in the addition of drg to gear like Askar/Homam/Aurum.
2009-03-05 15:55:18
Asura.Mildewman Show Score: -23
@Chronos - The only reason i can think of for BST not getting this is because of the Refresh effect. I don't think SE wants BST to have a refresh effect that would take them to 100% mp. I'd love to use this on my BST too. =/
2009-03-02 20:06:18
Odin.Awettnoodle Show Score: -23
Wish Paladins would stop wearing this instead of an enmity piece on the body when tanking. yes it looks awesome but its not much for tanking unless blood tanking and then only a little. cant blood tank if you cant keep hate...
2010-08-31 19:38:02
Fairy.Azulmagia Show Score: -25
@Obliterate: Blurpleberk would like a word with you.
2009-12-26 22:36:09
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