A nice alternative to the Reverend Mail for WHMs that can be worn by the other mage type classes. I'll definitely be trying to get hold of one of these.
while I'd rather have a dalmatica or the relic RDM body, this is a nice piece for RDM: MP+40 enmity-9 and evasion+10 being the key pieces. raven jupon is comparable, but still lacking the MP unless you get a lucky augment.
This is an excellent Enmity piece for SCH (-9), the next-best being Goliard Saio (-5). However, for RDM,WHM,BRD and even SMN: Raven Jupon is the same enmity (-9). Easy HQ; cheap nowadays.^^
Solid Piece for the RDM's out there who like myself melee under certain conditions regardless of what the party says. Red Mages make the party so I find people don't care what I do as long as I do my job.