With both Bonecraft 100, Leathercraft 60 and Alchemy 0, I attempted to synth a Westkit after each level I obtained in Alchemy. As we know, you cannot attempt a synthesis unless you are within 15 levels. I could not attempt this synth with Alchemy 28 and could attempt at 29, therefore cap is 44.
According to wiki, leather is 55+ Unfortunately it is not possible to test both at the same time so I cannot confirm this one.
Recent price spike is due to its sharp increase in consumer demand -- since it's not rare, it's subject to augments and the +6 INT possibility has generated a lot of hype.
going with morrigans instead of this is is INT +2, - 1 M.atk, -5 ele skill, and - conserve mp 2
Refresh can be obtained cheaply with black cloak.
Sorry all this just beats the morrigans robe.
EDIT response: yes the FULL set of the morrigan's does give +5 M.atk, which will defeat this piece, but only if the full set is worn though.
yay me bidding 1.4mil gil on the wrong item. :( wanted bid on Genie but Aht Urhgan lag screwed me. hoping this Marine guy will be nice to gve me gil back or a genie weskit lol