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Root » Armor » Body
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Stock 0
Rate Slow (0.244 sold/day)
Median 40,000
List Characters: [Owned] [Equipped]
Max 50,000
Min 30,000
Average 44,220
Last 40,000
Price History
7 Days Ago40,000
8 Days Ago40,000
19 Days Ago40,000
19 Days Ago40,000
GilPrice History12/21/21/182/62/200k10k20k30k40k50kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Mar. 7, 2025DomaruAerglyph40,000
Mar. 6, 2025DomaruReinyn40,000
Feb. 24, 2025DomaruDarksarge40,000
Feb. 23, 2025HimmelswolkeKuvalai40,000
Feb. 20, 2025WindcriesmaryHimmelswolke40,000
Feb. 19, 2025TyretteCritfur40,000
Feb. 18, 2025QdogArhsaakxianutsi40,000
Feb. 15, 2025DomaruMastercourri40,000
Feb. 15, 2025DomaruQdog40,000
Feb. 6, 2025DekustickQalam40,000
Comments (12)
Asura.Shamaya[Report] Score: 22
Good for soloing, good for SA&TA, better than heca for sushi WS'ing.
2007-10-28 21:06:23
Phoenix.Luckys[Report] Score: 17
If you are talking about whether this is better than hecatomb harness, it depends entirely on the mob. If you're facing a low def monster, then the attack bonus is cake over the 5 hits and the DEX/AGL is good too(depending on what you stack). Heca is good for high lvl NM such as Gods because you need the STR to push through the extra high VIT and the ACC bonus helps the ACC issues you get when facing them. A good THF has both and knows when to use which one.
2008-05-13 03:05:53
Remora.Zackaria[Report] Score: 11
leather sub is atleast 57+. @ 56 I got a .1 skill up on leather :O
2008-10-10 02:49:53
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 8
Im Sure no one cares, But if your Curious, NPC's For ~9k With max Fame
2008-04-10 22:26:54
Titan.Akashi[Report] Score: 1
The significant price drop on this item (nearly 50%) is because of the new ACP body, which is better for weaponskills (5 str/dex/agi), however hecatomb harness will still rival it with str/acc
2009-05-09 16:46:06
Fenrir.Mauddib[Report] Score: 0
lol NPC's for 8,925g
2010-09-29 11:05:23
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 0
Cheap, effective WS piece.
2010-12-31 02:27:42
Sylph.Lorax[Report] Score: 0
Anyone know if you can get a wyrm horn from desynthing this?
2011-01-26 13:35:10
Ifrit.Rikirocket[Report] Score: -1
With the level caps going up to 99 by dec most gear will fall in price, this being one of them. However this bit of gear stats can change i know i think mine is great, took me 3 tries to get something decent from the FoV NM's but +10 Evasion on this is not to be mocked.

If your buying this for 10-15k your in the clear as it will take 700 tabs to augment so thats about 7k gil from the pages you would be doing to try and augment this and axp 10k from NPC'n a crap Augment.

If your looking at this Vs the Heca ya can get acc on this too, as for whats better... i am not the right thf to comment there mines a farming tool.
2010-08-18 06:45:27
Asura.Pibin Show Score: -10
Folks, don’t sale these for 50k because the RMT will buy them up and then sale them hi supporting their cause.
2009-06-06 09:22:05
Screenshots (6)
id:659 Leathercraft (??) Bonecraft (101)
Total Cost49,033