Dropped from Turul NM in Abyssea-Konschat. Looks like that Greater Amphiptere flying dragon NM in Xarcabard[S] only 10x meaner. Massive AOE Thunder damage. Good luck.
Look very nice for a Store TP Setup as rng when you dont have mekki shakki for a 5-hit build TP.
plus the modifier for critical hit are not to high for ranged weapon, it can be a little boost.
I'm quite shocked no one's mentioned that this looks AMAZING for evisceration. IMO, SE is making evisceration top ws. New THF/DNC crit hit dmg + trait along w/ new magian weapon and the crit hit dmg +% on add-on gear... DE is looking pretty shabby right about now!
<3 the name the best. Loki was the trickster god in Norse Mythology. The father of Fenrir whom we know as that kick *** giant wolf. So this being pretty godly for THF and Loki being a trickster god... icwatudidthurr se. I see it.