A strong leg piece for DRG TPing. 2% haste and ACC are nicely combined to suit the new Abyssea area's. Could possibly replace homam legs depending on how you're set up, but haste wise Homam legs are better.
Drakesbane wise, if you are at ACC cap then you might want to stick with Askar pants for the extra ATT unless you really want that 1 dex point.
As everyone else said these are nice AH legs. 3k isn't that hard to get so the price will go down. Give it a week or two the market will probably flood.
Like the body, this is another strong piece for DRG. They've combined some of the best tp legs for DRG (Homam pants, afv1+1), and added some modifiers for certain things but being easy as hell to get, shouldn't see a DRG without these, unless you have something better obviously.
Very nice for PLD also, can't speak for any of the other jobs.
These are looking to be good PLD legs for the work you have to do for them, Still doesn't beat Homam but alot easier to obtain, and can be easily used as a bridge piece