Was not able to attempt on my alt with 94 cloth and 0 smithing. Tested at every smithing level and finally could attempt one at smithing 14 (no support). Smithing sub = 29.
This body with jelly ring and arhats jinpachi with askar feet puts u at -22 Physical damage taken, add in gavial cuisses and thats 25%. A samurai can tank almost anything with this and third eye, but for things like faust you may want a Iron ram lance and that will put you at -35% PD. But, also allowing you to Penta thrust to keep hate.
Amazing peice of gear for ninja. Macro in on voke if you don't have a better emnity peice, and obviously have this as part with the jinpachi, jelly ring & earth staff situationally for those "Oshi" situations, or even if you're tanking something that can attack past shadows. Remember guys, you don't have to tank in haste, only cast shadows in when applicable^^ These PDT gear can save your *** more times than you can count.
the arhats set has other uses to i use em for PvP on Sam for the increased survivability i sure cant complain when the Vorpal Blades my buddt hits me with go from 300 to 170~ dont buy the HQ for just PvP though unless your rich lol ( i dont use HQ btw i use NQ i'm not rich either >.>)