Evaan that comment is not true. He would be 11 over cap which is teir 1. It seems you are saying moon phases effect the teirs, which they dont. Example: As a woodworker with 103+support i like stave synthing on darks newmoon. By your thinking I would be T1, however I still get a ~25% hq rate.
In my opinion this HQ cloak isn't worth buying. As for the INT+5, that can be doubled with Errant Houppelande. The Refresh effect is the same as NQ, and every BLM knows that Igqira Weskit is the way to go for damage (with exception to some endgame gear or Genie Weskit). That leaves only the Elemental Magic skill +10 which is closely matched by the NQ with +8. So you're basically paying 375k (on Sylph) extra to get an extra 2 Elemental Magic.
Of course this is just my opinion and others may vary, but I'd rather spend 375k on something better than an extra 2 Elemental Magic skill.
PS: (on Sylph)
Black Cloak - 25k
Errant Houppelande - 35k
Igqira Weskit - 14k
TOTAL = 74k
Demon's Cloak = 400k
Save yourself 326k and macro in different gear people.
on the 2rd i crafted cursed mitts -1, throughout the course of 1 week i crafted other misc items for profit. then after that on earthsday new moon, i hq'd one of these at my level of 96.0+3 w/ image support. w00t