I was actually testing out this body piece today between Genie and found that my tier IV's were doing more damage but only lost about 2 dmg on AM II's which isn't bad at all. You can either keep Genie and nuke between AM II's and swap to teal when nuking with tier spells or you can probably sell your Genie to make a profit before the prices drop lol... other wise its a great piece until Yhel Jacket :Q
Very easy to obtain. Prices will drop shortly...similar as what happened with the Hectate's Cape. Give it another week or two and the Auction House will be flooded with 'em.
For Regurgitation, you'll notice a few points of damage (1-3) less with this piece, but conversely you'll see the same improvement with Firespit (1-3) more. This piece still wins, because of MACC, however it is by no means worth what people are paying, and even the cruor if you choose to farm it can be put to better use.
Do you have to have all the 5 piece's in the set to get the bonus or do it work like some sets where you get more bonus for each piece? Im assuming you have to have all 5 but i just came back to FFXI and dont really know. Anyone who can help me out on this?^^