Might as well use a High Breath Mantle if you're tanking properly on PLD for the +Enmity.
If going for more of a DDbuild, might as well use Amemet Mantle(+1).
VIT is kinda... not so good. And no, VIT + DEF being the best is very old-fashioned =/ your real defensive stats are +Haste and Shield Skill. This is really bad and barely helps you. Get a HBM for enmity to tank defensive or Amemet(+1) for offensive tanking.
before you go ranking Raenryong down, it should be pointed out that he is more talking about endgame tanking where youre Pld/Nin and you need haste to shorten Utsu recast. this item does have it uses. but take the time to learn when and where.
Raenryong is right. Knightly Mantle isn't that good for PLD. The VIT boost around this level won't help you at all. You're better off using a High Breath Mantle, you'll be able to hold hate much better.
Aye when it comes to endgame tanking (Pld/nin) your gonna want to stick enm, haste, shield skill then hp. Due to the fact you lose Provoke and have shadows and Flash you need to keep the recast times on down.
This cape has it purpose with a Rampart modifiers. "wiki: Magic Shield tests have shown that the amount of damage Rampart absorbs is variable. The currently accepted formula for damage absorbed seems to be VIT*2.", and it is decent piece. Although it is out of date on game standards of today. It is still a nice piece for the price.
I don't know why everyone avoids this thing like the plague. For your last 15 levels of EXPing this isn't such a bad option. Trade it in when you get to endgame tanking, though.
Whoever Ranked Raenyong down is obviously still using this at lvl 75, and thus needs to quit Paladin.
Your gear should be aimed toward a combination of HP, Def, Vit, and Shield Skill. the +4 vit this mantle brings to the table is EASILY outweighed by the H.B. Personally, I like my Marid Mantle +1 and its 3% HP, but once i get enough coins. I'm getting a Boxer Mantle for the shield skill.